Come and visit our Gladesville store!
Our store located at 14/33 College Street, Gladesville is ready for you to come in and take a look at hundreds of cool old guitars. We've got our full range of guitars and basses along with all of our pedals and heaps of other surprises, so pop in and say hi!
Our ongoing public opening hours are:
Tuesday to Saturday - 12-5pm
Sunday/Monday - CLOSED
If it's your first time then we can be a little hard to find, so check out the map below for instructions on how to find us. Here are the the two easiest options:
1) Park on College Street and walk 100m down the lane (past the boom gate) near "Smash Splash", where you'll find us on your left.
2) Park in the shared outdoor or undercover car park (near "Crossfit Geo") and walk down the lane next to the gym, where you'll find us on your right.
Still can't find us? Give us the call of shame on (02) 9007 5293 and we'll help you out.